Admin-Befehle, auch Konsolenbefehle oder Cheats genannt, sind Werkzeuge, die Benutzer mit Administratorrechten zum Ändern des Spiels SCUM verwendet werden können.
# | Shows you all admin commands |
ListPlayers | Lists the current players with Steam64ID, Steam names and character names |
Kick <player> | Kick a player from your server |
Ban <player> | Ban a player from your server |
Location <player> | Returns the position of the selected player |
ListItems <item> [<filter>] | Displays a list of items that can be spawned, with an optional filter. |
ListCharacter <character> [<filter>] | Displays a list of characters that can be spawned, with an optional filter. |
SpawnItem <Item ID> <Amount> | Spawn a specific item floating in the air in front of you. See Item IDs or use #ListAssets for a list of items. |
SpawnCharacter <NPC ID> <Amount> | Spawn a specific NPC in front of you. See NPC IDs or use #ListAssets for a list of NPCs. |
Teleport <player> [<X> <Y> <Z>] | Teleports a specified player to given coordinates, or to you if no coordinates are given. |
TeleportTo <player> | Teleports you near the specified player. |
SetFamePoints <value> [<player>] | Sets fame points of a player to the specified value. If second argument is not provided, sets your own fame points. |
SetFamePointsToAll <value> | Sets fame points of all players to the specified value. |
SetTime <0-24> | Sets time of day. |
SetWeather <0-1> | Toggle clear or stormy weather. |
VisualizeBulletTrajectories <true/false> | Displays a physical bullet path behind every round fired. |